Naya Shoes Giveaway! Win these Bakula Pumps | Fashion Pulse Daily


  1. ginagina2498 says

    Hey I signed up for your newsletter, and I love the Suede Naya Shoes! Here’s hoping I’m lucky this week and win.

  2. I follow on twitter

  3. Jerry Amundsen says

    I like the gray. I’m going to try to cut down on my printing at home. I recycle but do waste precious paper. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  4. April C says

    Hey I’m following you on twitter – my handle: @prillamon

    To help the environment, I will get my horribly leaky faucet fixed!!

  5. I’m subscribed to the newsletter & love the suede Naya shoes! No one near me carries Naya so I’m hoping I can win! Something little – I’ve started adding the boxes & bottles from my kitchen (things I use to cook with) into the recycling bin instead of tossing – just remove the plastic from the interior & everything else can be recycled! It amazing how quickly my recycle bin fills – & how empty my trash bin is!

  6. I recieve the daily newsletter , thank you !
    I have stopped using chlorine bleach to help the environment .
    Love these shoes , need these shoes , want these shoes…!

  7. Eve says

    I receive your newsletter. I will turn of the water while Im brushing my teeth, AND recycle more. I tend to just throw cans in the trash out of laziness.

  8. Mamavalveeta03 says

    I receive your newsletter. One thing I will do more: Compost! We keep puttting less and less junk in the garbage and finding ways to recycle, give away, or put back in the earth! One thing I will do less: Drive! I take public transportation or walk when I am able.

  9. […] Naya Shoes Giveaway! Win these Bakula Pumps [Fashion Pulse Daily] […]

  10. Katy M says

    I follow you on Twitter as @katygmorris AND I’m a newsletter subscriber because that’s how much I love you guys!

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I’d never know they were “good for the earth” shoes by looking at them because they’re so stylish!

  11. Katy M says

    One think I promise to do more of to be kinder to the environment is to bring my own *real* silverware to work for my lunch. Right now I forget too often and hate using plasticware! Yuck!

    Thanks!!! 🙂

  12. Nina says

    I’m following you on twitter @nina0205.
    I refrain from using plastic bags and I use my trusty shopping bags when doing the grocery. I don’t buy bottled water when I’m out because I use my eco-friendly reusable water bottle.

  13. Lydia says

    I subscribe to your newsletter. Cute pumps! I’ve been doing a lot in the past year (e.g. I only take public transportation, recycle everything, use energy-efficient bulbs) but I could definitely take shorter showers!

  14. susan says

    I get your newsletter.
    I try to recycle all that I can (cardboard boxes, paper towel and tp rolls, foil, etc.) And we also do things that help conserv water (low flow toilets), and conserve energy (new energy efficient furnace, windows, plus programmable thermostat and doors last two years.)

  15. Amy says

    I follow you on Twitter – @pintucked

    One thing I will do for the environment: compost more!

  16. MJ says

    Following on Twitter~ @butterflyrouge

    I’m going to try to use fewer paper products and I’m considering using a clothesline instead of my clothes dryer, at least for some things.

  17. Ronda says

    I subscribe to your newsletter. I will be checking my husbands truck daily for bottles and cans that my husband and our hired hands leave in there. This way they do not toss this in the garbage when they get gas.

  18. Michele L says

    I follow on Twitter (my ID is @rlawrence110). I’m going to try to use less paper (read magazines and newspapers online, and find gift wrapping alternatives to start with) and recycle even more.

  19. Following @fashionpulse on Twitter {@TheLuckyLadybug} — I will walk more and drive less to be kinder to the environment 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!

  20. Kimberly says

    Follower on twitter as winsome6
    I am going to try to use less water by making sure I have a full load of laundry and a full load of dishes in the dishwasher.

  21. Haylee says

    follow @happy_haylee_3

    I am going to start buying recycled paper as opposed to the new kind.


  22. Hey! I follow you on twitter! My handle is @lacretia.

    Hmm something I do to help the environment – 1) not run the water while I brush my teeth, 2) share a car with my boyfriend, 3) recycle all of our cardboard (even though it’s such a pain!)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. Jennifer B says

    I subscribe to email and I just set up a recycling bin for all my paper and one for plastics

  24. Cynthia says

    I’m following you on twitter already– my handle: @cmumpy

    I will recycle more! I usually tend to just throw everything in the garbage, but I will now try to sort out the plastic and paper and cans from my garbage to recycle!


  25. Anne says

    I follow @fashionpulse on Twitter

  26. Anne says

    I will be kinder to the environment by planting a garden!

  27. Hofken says

    I am a subscriber. One thing I will do to be kinder to the environment is to reuse the backside of copier paper

  28. […] Shoe giveaway! […]

  29. SH says

    I follow you on twitter. My handle: @austenite5
    I also subscribe to the newsletter.
    There are so many things I could do! I could use fewer paper towels. I will be even more diligent in turning off all lights etc when I am not using them.

  30. meeyeehere aka rachel crisman says

    twitter follower@meeyeehere
    I am pretty good to the environment! I walk almost everywhere,only drive when going out of town.I have a compost and we are always making sure we use the least amount of water,etc.
    I try to be good

  31. Kelsey says

    I just subscribed to the daily newsletter.
    I am going to try taking shorter showers to help the environment.

  32. I subscribe to your newsletter (using the same email listed above). I have stopped using nasty chemical-full cleaners and only used natural plant/mineral based cleaners now.

  33. Jessica Selmser says

    I subscribed to your daily newsletter. I stopped using the separate Chlorox wipes and have started just using a rag that I can wash.

  34. Meredith says

    I signed up for the newsletter. I’m trying to ride my bike more, instead of taking the car.

  35. Rita says

    I love these pumps. I am riding my bike 90% of the time and carpooling the other 10% (only when the weather is rotten and will ruin my hair/shoes : )

  36. nickie says

    twitter follower. I try to recycle all that I can 🙂

  37. Rebecca Graham says

    Follow on Twitter; rhoneygee

    We recycle everything at our house.

  38. Stephanie V. says

    signed up for the newsletter
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  39. Stephanie V. says

    Will pick up more trash we see thrown in the streets by lazy people
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  40. Adrienne Gordon says

    I will use my car less and walk more.

  41. Anabel says

    @fashionpulse Hey I’m following you on twitter – my handle: @qbangurl. I will help the environment by recycling!

  42. Gaye McGill says

    I already receive the Fashion Pulse Daily Newsletter and I’m doing a lot of the standard “little” things (reusable shopping bags, changed out light bulbs, conservation of water, laundry in cold water, etc.) There’s always a little more than can be done and I love reading the suggestions of others that I can incorporate into my own life.

  43. Catalina K says

    I follow you on Twitter (ID @CKhalaj). As for one of the things I will strive to do more so as to protect the environment, it is recycling a lot more items and more often than just once a month. Thank you.

  44. Rachael says

    I follow on Twitter! @rachaelcpowell

    I’ve also been trying to recycle more now that I’ve moved into my own apartment!

  45. AutumH says

    Follow you on twitter- @AutumH

    I’m teaching myself to use less water when I do dishes and clean and I’m making more of an effort to walk places instead of using my car.

  46. Claire says

    I follow on Twitter (@kaleidoscopeq) and I’m trying to use reusable shopping bags instead of the plastic ones from the store.

  47. kristi Blackstone says

    Hey, I follow you on Twitter @missblissfulbee!

  48. kristi Blackstone says

    My family and I recycle already! I will start using less water also though!

  49. addrienne mertens says

    i follow on twitter

  50. addrienne mertens says

    save rain water to water the house quite a bunch here!

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