Win A Timex Intelligent Quartz Chronograph Watch For Dad! | Fashion Pulse Daily


  1. Kara says

    Liked you on FB and followed on Twitter

  2. karen morse says

    Great giveaway! Did all 4 of the follow/like requests for double entry! Thanks! xo

  3. Sahara Rao says

    This will be a perfect gift for my dad!
    Liked your page on Facebook.
    Liked Timex on Facebook!

  4. Celeste says

    I subscribe to the newsletter & I follow you on twitter (@swellswag)!

  5. Michelle Espinoza says

    I like both you and timex on facebook and I subscribe to your newsletter.

  6. Sense says

    I subscribe to the emails and I follow you on twitter (@dollasandsense).

  7. Amanda Hoffman says

    subscribe to fashionpulsedaily newsletter
    amandahoffman35 at yahoo dot com
    like timex on facebook
    amanda hoffman

  8. Elisabeth says

    Thanks so much! This would be a perfect gift! πŸ™‚ I’m subscribed to your newsletter and follow on twitter.

  9. Elisabeth says

    I also like both pages on FB!

  10. Lydia says

    1. I subscribe to the FashionPulseDaily newsletter
    2. I Follow you on Twitter – @princessla66


  11. Lydia says

    1. I Like you on Facebook and
    2. I Like Timex on Facebook – Lydia A.F.

  12. Erika says

    I followed you on Twitter and liked Timex on Facebook!

  13. Mamavalveeta03 says

    I subscribe to FPD
    I follow you on Twitter @mamavalveeta03

  14. Mamavalveeta03 says

    I like FPD on Facebook.
    I like Timex on Facebook.

  15. Hannah B says

    entry #1
    1) I subscribe to your daily newsletter at the same address.
    2) I follow you on twitter as @hrbeck
    3) I like you on FB as Hannah Beck.
    4) I like Timex on FB as Hannah Beck.

  16. Hannah B says

    entry #2
    1) I subscribe to your daily newsletter at the same address.
    2) I follow you on twitter as @hrbeck
    3) I like you on FB as Hannah Beck.
    4) I like Timex on FB as Hannah Beck.

  17. Peggy R says

    I have been subscribed to your website for a lonnnnggggg time!! I know it’s been at least 2 – 3 years now. That should count for something. I would love to “like” you more on Facebook, or even “like” Timex, since I still own some of their watches from years ago, but my account got hacked, and I had no choice but to close it. I have no phone to “tweet” off of, so that leaves me out. Please have pity on little ‘ol me, and let me in on your contest. I’m a longtime fan of your blog!!

  18. Jessie C. says

    Subscribe to the FashionPulseDaily newsletter and Follow on Twitter@tcarolinep

  19. Kelly D says

    I did all 4:
    Email subscriber under kellywcuATyahooDOTcom
    Liked both on FB(Kelly D Saver)

    & follow you on twitter(Kellydsaver)

  20. Subscribed to the FashionPulseDaily newsletter,
    and liked fashionpulsedaily on facebook!

  21. Sharon says

    All 4 tasks
    FB-Sharon Siqueiros
    Already sub via email-lunrei at yahoo dot com

  22. Sharon says

    All 4 tasks #2
    FB-Sharon Siqueiros
    Already sub via email-lunrei at yahoo dot com

  23. Katie says

    I Subscribe to the FashionPulseDaily newsletter
    I Follow you on Twitter – @ktkatherine
    I Like you on Facebook – Katie Kondek AND
    I Like Timex on Facebook – Katie Kondek

  24. Katie says

    I Subscribe to the FashionPulseDaily newsletter
    I Follow you on Twitter – @ktkatherine
    I Like you on Facebook – Katie Kondek AND
    I Like Timex on Facebook – Katie Kondek

  25. Pinky Sade says

    Subscribe to the FashionPulseDaily newsletter,
    Follow us on Twitter, @pinksade
    Like us on Facebook, Pinky Sade
    AND Like Timex on Facebook – Pinky Sade

  26. Pinky Sade says

    Subscribe to the FashionPulseDaily newsletter,
    Follow us on Twitter, @pinksade
    Like us on Facebook, Pinky Sade
    AND Like Timex on Facebook – Pinky Sade

  27. Bev says

    Liked both on facebook.

  28. Jamie K says

    I’m following you on twitter (@sammysmama88) and I like you on facebook (Jamie Knupp).
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  29. Joe C. says

    I Subscribe to the FashionPulseDaily newsletter
    I Follow you on Twitter – @jszuis
    I Like you on Facebook – Joseph Cole / jszuis
    I Like Timex on Facebook – Joseph Cole / jszuis

  30. Joe C. says

    I Subscribe to the FashionPulseDaily newsletter
    I Follow you on Twitter – @jszuis
    I Like you on Facebook – Joseph Cole / jszuis
    I Like Timex on Facebook – Joseph Cole / jszuis

    Second Entry

  31. Loyal Subscriber to the Fashion Pulse Daily Newsletter

    Follow @fashionpulseday on Twitter (@LuckyMel8)!/LuckyMel8

  32. Like FASHION PULSE on Facebook (Mel Love)

    Like TIMEX on Faebook (Mel Love)

    Sharing & Tweeting the Giveaway:!/

  33. Ella P. says

    This is such a perfect gift fo my Father.
    I subsribed to the FashionPulseDaily newsletter and
    following you on twitter.

    Twitter: @cheeta_kat

  34. Ella P. says

    I also “liked” both facebook pages
    FB: Ella C. Parker

  35. Kaylie says

    I liked and followed you on both fb( Kaylie Nguyen) and twitter( ckaylie777)

  36. Tracy says

    Liked both on Fb! The little ones would be so happy to present this to their Dad!

  37. Kathleen Conner says

    Like Timex on Facebook, and follow you on twitter

  38. John Billiris says

    Followed you on twitter, and Like Timex on Facebook

  39. kat says

    I liked you and timex on facebook.

  40. […] winner of this Timex Intelligent Quartz Chronograph Watch For Dad is Jessie C. of Minneapolis, MN.Β  Congrats Jessie, and thanks so much to everybody who entered our […]

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