Check out the latest, greatest posts of the week from other online publications and blogs that we heart:
The Fashionable Housewife: Affordable, Sexy Lingerie For Today’s Housewives
Factio Magazine: Factio Magazine Talks to Diamond Heiress Lita
Fashion Fille: Is it easier to be a man or a woman?
Fashion Pulse: Fashion Pulse Daily shows how get the biker chic look!
Hip Candy: See a few designers sketch ideas for Barack’s Inaugural looks.
Runway To Retail: A Video Fashion Story: go behind-the-scenes and see what a real photo shoot looks like!
Style Observer: I’m not much of a New Year’s Eve girl, but I used to be. If I could party all night on New Year’s, I would definitely whip out the sequins. If ever a night calls for sparkle, it’s this night! You can dress it up, wear it chic, or rock it out.
The Fashionable Gal: Fashion Mistakes to Avoid for the Holidays!