Style Coalition Top Secret Photo/Video Shoot Pics | Fashion Pulse Daily


  1. Julia-
    So awesome to have met you! Your pictures are fab! I covet that Sonia Rykiel dress!

  2. […] Update!: Check out Yuli Z’s before/after snaps, Lauren of Second City Style has posted more before & after photos, and Julia of Fashion Pulse Daily posted her round-up of snaps. […]

  3. Olivia says

    Wow this is so cool, looks like you guys had a blast! Everyone looks glammed and fab!

  4. What great photos!

  5. fashionpulse says

    Thanks Sydne!

  6. fashionpulse says

    Thanks so much Olivia!

  7. fashionpulse says

    Thanks so much Anne!

  8. sooooo jealous!!!

  9. […] mentioned in a post in late June, the wonderful and fabulous Style Coalition video, Don’t Shop! has finally hit the web! The […]

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