GIVEAWAY: Let’s Get Back-to-School Ready with Dove! | Fashion Pulse Daily


  1. Lauren says

    My favorite class was History. I follow on Instagram. @limbylim

  2. Cheryl says

    Art was my favorite class in school. Following fashionpulsedaily on Instagram {cherylfahling}.

  3. Carmen Minsal says

    My favorite course was British Literature in the Age of Revolution: Sex and the City in the 18th Century. Just followed fashionpulsedaily on IG, my handle is ____cgm

  4. Meli Dadario says

    My favorite class was French! I follow on instagram @melidadario 🙂

  5. Sharon Rooney says

    American History was my favorite class in school.
    Following on instagram as @jerseygirl6312

  6. Katie Cummings says

    I loved biology and history. I follow on instagram @klynn8587

  7. Cynthia Richardson says

    When I was in school, my favorite class was English
    Instagram – hofken

  8. Joseph says

    My favorite class was art class.

  9. latanya says

    I loved history

  10. latanya says

    instagram follower @sweetums82

  11. Katie Cummings says

    Instagram @klynn8587 I loved history

  12. Kelly D says

    Biology was my favorite.
    Instagram- Kellywcu

  13. Peggy R says

    My favorite subject was English, but unfortunately I don’t have an Instagram account, a Twitter account, or even a Facebook account!! I only have my e-mail account, which keeps me busy enough, with things going on in my life. It does disappoint me that I’m unable to enter this terrific contest, just because I don’t have an Instagram account, however.

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