Oils here, oils there, oils everywhere! I’d like to think that I’ve been ahead of the curve by slathering on oliveĀ and coconut oils to my face for years, but in actuality, this technique is hundreds, if not thousands of years old. It’s true that oils can impart great hydration suitable for all skin types, even oily ones. The key is to first apply in moderation and see how your skin adapts/reacts to it, and be sure to lightly press, not rub, it into the skin.
Nowadays, there’s a ton of options including a great mix of oils available such as argan, coconut, olive, primrose, chia seed, passion fruit, lemongrass, Balanites roxburghii seed, lavender, rosehip seed, sweet almond, sunflower, and jojoba oils. The best part is that these items are also available at prices for every budget, starting as low as $10 and going up to $300. If you’re really into using oils on your face, you may want to try them for your body too, or check out a cleansing oil product as well. See the slideshow above for some of my absolute favorites.