Skagen Unisex Watch Giveaway | Fashion Pulse Daily


  1. Heather S says

    We share breakfast breads. We make them together then enjoy them in the mornings.

  2. max p says

    just started following you guys on facebook 🙂
    and my favorite thing that i share w/ my gf would have to be our time alone, when we can just cuddle up and how she falls asleep in my arms even tho she has the entire other half of the bed 🙂

  3. Gloria S says

    I joined on Facebook.

    My husband and I share our love of sports and bowl together once a week.

  4. Henry Lum says

    I’m a follower of SkagenDenmark on Twitter.
    My twitter is @Kr4zi4ur0mg

    My girlfriend and I share our dogs , Nana and Zoey. I adopted Nana before I met my girlfriend and she adopted Zoey before she met me. We’ve been together for 3 years and been loving , accompanying them for quite some time.

  5. Holly W. says

    I follow Skagen Denmark on twitter..her5boys480

  6. Holly W. says

    My hubby and I share a comfy overstuffed chair…and it fits both of us if we wish!

  7. Laura says

    I’m following you guys on Facebook.

    My favorite thing my significant other and I share is a sense of humor.

  8. Debbie C says

    I follow Skagen Denmark on twitter. @DchrisG3
    We share a Nook ereader.

  9. elizabeth p says

    I follow them on Twitter. The best thing I share with my husband is a Beautyrest NXG mattress, best rest ever!

  10. Teresa L says

    I follow Skagen Denmark on twitter purplepixiepop

  11. Teresa L says

    My husband and I share almost everything. Clothes, furniture, bed, two spoiled yorkies. LOL

  12. andrew b says

    Hey I’m following you on twitter – my handle: @jappleseed13

  13. Danielle says

    i follow on twitter: @ferriza2

    No significant other at this time but we used to share this one zip up hoodie. Well, it was his and I would “borrow” it when I was cold. Smelled like him. 😉

  14. Denice P says

    i followed skagen on twitter as doozercries.
    The thing my husband and I share the most are sweets! We share chocolate candy bars, and ice cream with each other. Also, if it’s a hot day and I have a lrg sweet tea while driving my hubs and I will share it. He’s so sweet.

  15. Tiffiny says

    Joined on Facebook. My hubby and I share work clothes for around the house. I wear his, he has a ton!

  16. karen says

    I went to facebook and wrote that I was entering the Skagen watch contest.

  17. Kristi C says

    Follow on twitter @5memb
    The favorite thing we share is an Abercrombie jacket. Whoever gets it first has it for the day.

  18. Nina says

    I’m following on twitter @nina0205.

    Never had a significant other so I haven’t shared anything! But if I have one in the future I wouldn’t mind sharing this watch with him. ;D

  19. Janice says

    I follow on facebook

    Well, when my boyfriend and I first started dating we weren’t able to see each other much. We each bought each other a blanket (his blue and mine was pink). Of course, they weren’t anything special except to us. We’d hold onto our respective blankets and sleep with them until the next time we got to see each other, then we’d swap blankets. There was nothing better than the nights I’d get his blanket and fall asleep smelling him.

  20. chezmadame says

    following on twitter @chezmadame

  21. Valerie C. says

    I already follow on Facebook (valerie.carozza) and I now follow Skagen on Twitter (dragonfly777).

  22. Valerie C. says

    My husband and I have been sharing ONE car since September 1st….and it’s less than wonderful 🙂 I can’t wait for my own car again. We do share our love for our 2 children 🙂

  23. I’m following @SkagenDenmark on Twitter – I’m @ideasprouts

    My husband and I share our iPad. We love to use it to read books or to play games together.


  24. Schmidty says

    Following skagen on twitter @rusthawk. Shared item: pajama pants. 🙂

  25. Tina Renee says

    I follow skagen on twitter @warp65
    We share socks!

  26. chbs says

    I’m following you on twitter (@yalechk). My hubby & I share our music collections 🙂

  27. Sarah Hirsch says

    facebook fan, and my husband and I don’t share much other than a bed.

  28. Ali says

    Hey I’m following you on twitter – my handle: @socialison

    The favorite thing my boyfriend and I share is a hoodie sweatshirt. It’s from his college and is so comfy and warm.

  29. Charity S. says

    Following Skagen Denmark on twitter- my handle: @ccboobooy

    We love to share our food. It’s something that bonds us as a couple, and it’s just what we like to do.

  30. gina says

    I follow Skagen Denmark on twitter @skagendenmark.

  31. gina says

    “What is your favorite thing that you and your significant other share?”
    I dont think of her as a “thing”, but we do share our dog Lucy & that is my favorite above all.

  32. katie says

    Joined the Facebook page!

  33. katie says

    My favorite thing we share is the couch!

  34. Min says

    What is your favorite thing that you and your significant other share? THE BED!

  35. susitravl says

    Follow Skagen on Twitter – susitravl

    My husband and I share a love of Mexican food, share household chores, and sometimes share my car.

  36. Angela says

    I follow you on twitter @mommypr

  37. Angela says

    my husband and i share so much. Drinks, food, shampoo lol. We mainly share the laptop alot though, even though we both have our own haa.

  38. bunnyb says

    I follow you on twitter @bunnyb

    A fave thing that my sig other and I share would be his Oakley sunglasses 😛 He says it looks good on me too, so I wear them when he doesn’t feel like wearing them. I hope this watch will be the next thing we’ll love to share 🙂

  39. Jill Myrick says

    I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
    The thing that I love most that my husband and I share is our sense of humor.


  40. Phyllis says

    I follow Skagen Denmark on Twitter as @justcuzz.
    No Significant Other here (sigh), but the watch is great!

  41. I follow on twitter – @happishopr.
    We share our hopes, dreams and life.

  42. Pat says

    I followed on twitter – my handle is @pattomf!

    Sweaters – I use them as pajamas or comfortable wear around the house clothes.

  43. Jodi says

    I joined Fashion Pulse Daily Facebook Page. Jodi D (purehrt555)

    The best thing that we can share is our pride in our children.

  44. Erin says

    My husband and I share a love of design. Thankfully, we have similar tastes 🙂
    What a beautiful watch! I’m following you on twitter @thalweg.

  45. What is your favorite thing that you and your significant other share?
    we love hooded sweatshirts. The bigger the better 🙂

    I follow on facebook
    and twitter (styleezta)!

  46. carmen says

    I am following on Twitter (atlantagalknows) and my favorite thing that my sig other and I share are drinking glasses. It’s no big deal for me to take a swig out of his cup or him to grab my water bottle. To some people it might be gross, but I think it shows trust because there’s no one else you’d try that with!!

  47. Talisha Sturms says

    I am following with twitter. My handle is scoobybabe2004

    We love to share our movies together. We like to sit down every night after supper and watch a great movie he chooses one then i will. I love that we have that time together.

  48. Neelam Munshi says

    Hi there,

    I joined the facebook page 🙂

    My favorite thing to do with my boyfriend is the moment that we both get home we share a cup of tea and talk about everything that happened that day, anything that might be bothering us, or that we can’t figure out.. It’s the way that we connect after a long day at work.

    Thanks for having this giveaway. Hopefullly if I win, it will be another nice thing that we can share. 🙂

  49. Angie says

    I just became a follower at @angelinecc.

    Unfortch, I’m single right now. But with my last boyfriend I’d love to share food. I weirdly love baking more than eating, so I’d send everything his way.

  50. Paula Hafner says

    I follow them via Twitter- ksh123

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