Fashion Pulse Daily got the chance to chat with Limor Ratzabi Senker, designer of coveted jewelry brand Love Rocks NY. Ratzabi Senker incorporates a mixture of luxe elements, such as micro pave and diamond dusted gold into her unique designs. We got to learn more about the design process, and her favorite item to create.
Fashion Pulse Daily: What was the moment, when you knew you were destined to design jewelry?
Limor Ratzabi Senker: I grew up going to work with my father in NYC’s diamond district. He wanted me to work in the corporate world, but I just couldn’t keep away. I guess I knew at a young age!
FPD: Can you tell me a bit about the design process for you, from the conception of the idea to execution of the final product?
LRS: When I perceive a design concept – often it comes from an unexpected source like a work of art or architecture. For example, my crack collection was based off the crack installation at the Tate Modern. I work with my staff to adapt these concepts into a modern wearable piece of fine jewelry, and ultimately a collection. My staff primarily consists of old world artisans that were handed down their jewelry making techniques over generations. These skill sets cannot be acquired via traditional education. Over the last few years, we’ve challenged ourselves to utilize the latest technologies in jewelry design. Effectively integrating the old and new into a contemporary point of view is what sets us apart. Every piece is hand made, hand finished with our unique diamond dust finish and hand set using the deep-rooted art of true micro pave. It’s a very technical and labor intensive process, but well worth it.
FPD: What is your favorite item to craft – pendants, rings, earrings, etc?
LRS: I make a lot of engagement rings. It’s always exciting to be a part of the celebration of love.
FPD: For those unfamiliar with the brand, how would you describe the signature look of Lock Rocks NY?
LRS: The line started off as customizable charms, and has evolved into intricate 3-dimensional pieces focusing on the original aesthetic, modern clean lines, micro pave and diamond dusted gold.
FPD: What is your academic background and what was your career path before you launched your custom jewelry line and Love Rocks NY?
LRS: I attended NYU and worked in the corporate world (per my parents wishes). I always had one foot in 47th street as I began designing and producing diamond jewelry out of my living room for a small, private clientele. Working closely with my clients enabled me to further develop my design viewpoint by bringing the customers needs to the forefront of my creative process.
Having grown up in the diamond district of NYC, I jumped into the jewelry business in depth in 2005, when I launched Love Rocks NY.
FPD: How do you communicate with the customer, to gather feedback about the designs – do you twitter, have a facebook page, etc?
LRS: All of the above
FPD: Where do you see Love Rocks NY in five years from now – more categories, a lower-priced line, etc?
LRS: I see Love Rocks NY growing into more categories and, especially bridal.
-Julia DiNardo
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[…] Fashion Pulse Daily – snags an interview with the woman behind the lovely Love Rocks NY jewelry line, Limor Ratzabi Zenker […]
[…] Fashion Pulse Daily – snags an interview with the woman behind the lovely Love Rocks NY jewelry line, Limor Ratzabi Zenker […]
[…] Fashion Pulse Daily – snags an interview with the woman behind the lovely Love Rocks NY jewelry line, Limor Ratzabi Zenker […]
[…] Fashion Pulse Daily – snags an interview with the woman behind the lovely Love Rocks NY jewelry line, Limor Ratzabi Zenker […]
[…] Fashion Pulse Daily – snags an interview with the woman behind the lovely Love Rocks NY jewelry line, Limor Ratzabi Zenker […]
[…] Fashion Pulse Daily – snags an interview with the woman behind the lovely Love Rocks NY jewelry line, Limor Ratzabi Zenker […]
[…] Fashion Pulse Daily – Interview with Limor Ratzabi Zenker of Love Rocks NY […]
[…] Fashion Pulse Daily – snags an interview with the woman behind the lovely Love Rocks NY jewelry line, Limor Ratzabi Zenker […]
[…] Fashion Pulse Daily – snags an interview with the woman behind the lovely Love Rocks NY jewelry line, Limor Ratzabi Zenker […]
[…] Fashion Pulse Daily – snags an interview with the woman behind the lovely Love Rocks NY jewelry line, Limor Ratzabi Zenker […]