My New “It” Bag — The Bethany Stud Satchel from Handbag Heaven | Fashion Pulse Daily


  1. Julie says

    Every time i visit your site, you make me want to buy something!! this bag is superb. And you went to the VS show?! Im jealous!!

  2. admin says

    Thanks so much! Sorry to be an ‘enabler’ for your shopping!

  3. Anna says

    So cute! What an awesome find!
    Julia–You may not remember me, but I’m a fellow Pittsburgher and we met briefly last year when you came to speak at a meeting of NYU’s FBA. Love your blog!

  4. […] Fashion Pulse Daily – Fashion Pulse Daily finally finds a handbag that meets her very particular requirements. […]

  5. Great find! The bag is adorable and I love the unusual color.

  6. […] Fashion Pulse Daily – Fashion Pulse Daily finally finds a handbag that meets her very particular requirements. […]

  7. Amy says

    Ooh great bag!!

  8. […] Fashion Pulse Daily – Fashion Pulse Daily finally finds a handbag that meets her very particular requirements. […]

  9. […] Fashion Pulse Daily – Fashion Pulse Daily finally finds a handbag that meets her very particular requirements. […]

  10. […] Fashion Pulse Daily – Fashion Pulse Daily finally finds a handbag that meets her very particular requirements. […]

  11. […] Fashion Pulse Daily – Fashion Pulse Daily finally finds a handbag that meets her very particular requirements. […]

  12. […] Fashion Pulse Daily – Fashion Pulse Daily finally finds a handbag that meets her very particular requirements. […]

  13. […] Fashion Pulse Daily – Fashion Pulse Daily finally finds a handbag that meets her very particular requirements. […]

  14. […] Fashion Pulse Daily – Fashion Pulse Daily finally finds a handbag that meets her very particular requirements. […]

  15. […] Fashion Pulse Daily – Fashion Pulse Daily finally finds a handbag that meets her very particular requirements. […]

  16. K8 says

    Wow, thanks for the info. I too am horribly picky when it comes to handbags, they almost need to double as a book bag, able to fit a literature anthology if need be (yeah I’m rough on my bags). But I’ve been carrying this same Aldo bag since highschool (past 4 years). And its about time for a new one, I’ve been looking for the past two years but my taste and the price points are not matching up. I’m definitely going to check out that site! Thanks again 🙂

    Fashion X

  17. […] Fashion Pulse Daily – Fashion Pulse Daily finally finds a handbag that meets her very particular requirements. […]

  18. […] Fashion Pulse Daily – Fashion Pulse Daily finally finds a handbag that meets her very particular requirements. […]

  19. […] Fashion Pulse Daily – Fashion Pulse Daily finally finds a handbag that meets her very particular requirements. […]

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