It’s pretty much common knowledge amongst women of all ages that Maybelline makes incredible mascara. So with the new vibrating mascara trend, it’s only natural that Maybelline enter the arena with a vibrating version of their own. The Maybelline Pulse Perfection, which I got to test recently, puts out 7,000 vibrations per minute, which results in longer, thicker lashes, as well as not clumping and mimicing the zig zag motion of mascara application performed by professional makeup artists.
I must admit- at first I was a little nervous – what if it move too fast? What if I get mascara all over my face or it splatters elsewhere? Within two seconds, I realized that none of these things were going to happens for two reasons: 1) unlike other vibrating mascaras that come vibrating the second you free the wand from the tube, Maybelline’s Pulse is manual, so you control when it should vibrate. 2) The vibration is relatively faint, and easy to control, really making it no different than applying any other mascara application. I immediately noticed a difference of longer lashes, and have quickly placed the Pulse Perfection in the coveted spot of bathroom cabinet (instead of the overcrowded makeup organizer perched on a shelf in the bedroom).
The Maybelline Pulse Perfection mascara comes in “black” and “very black”, retails for $14.95, and will make its debut in stores in June. Can’t wait that long? You’re in luck: on May 18th, there will be a special online preview day for 24 hours only to buy the mascara. Simply go to, which will take you to one of four retailers: CVS, Target, Walgreens or Walmart to purchase the mascara.
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I’m thinking you’re inspiring me to try this. I’ve read loads about it and it’s nice to hear your actual experience with it.
I have tried this mascara and I personally LOVE it!!!! =D But I don’t recommend not to do more than two coats because when you do a third coat that is when it starts to clump BAD. So apply it slowly and only do two coats, or if you think your lashes look better with more coats then go right on ahead.