How many times can the classic Chanel suit, shoes, and bag be reworked and refreshed each season? Apparently, an infinite amount, as Karl Largerfeld has once again made the staples of the maintain their covetable classification. New shapes, details, and accessories are the way to add excitement to the storied house, and Karl and his team didn’t hold back one bit this season. From boudoir-like shoes decked out with feathers to new shape and chain positioning for the quilted signature bags, there’s plenty here to set Chanel-lover’s hearts ablaze. The suits received the festoon treatment, with oversized ties, bows, and detailing that you know came from King Karl himself — heavy chainlinks! And last, this review wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the jewelry; it managed to accomplish both vintage and futuristic elements that worked with tweed suits, trenches, long, loose cardigans, and prim blouses.
[…] Fashion Pulse Daily – Fashion Pulse dishes on Chanel’s Spring 2009 Collection! […]