Emergencies happen, situations that you weren’t anticipating occur. For those unexpected moments, My Tagalongs will be there to get you through them, without batting an eye. What exactly do I mean? Think disposable underwear — I know it may sound bazaar, but My Tagalongs has created a mini pack of two pairs for only $3 that can fit so easily into your handbag. Consider this situation: your traveling for work or vacation, and your checked luggage is lost — thank goodness you’ve got a back up plan already in your purse (now you just need to Febreze your clothes!). I’m really into cool, practical little items that make me think “I wish I invented that!” and My Tagalongs has a few of those — check out my favorite items from the brand below:
Tampon Tote, $7.50
Onetime Anytime Towelettes, $11
Purse Hook-er, $14
Purse-Onifier, $18