Kushyfoot = seriously awesome. I kid not. I first came across the brand in my local Rite Aid when I was in search of some nude-colored peds, and quickly became a fan of their foot covers – a product that you can wear with heels or sneakers to prevent those awful skin rub or blister issues. Recently, Kushyfoot gave me some of their products to test out, and I can vouch that they definitely did not disappoint. The differentiator for the Kushyfoot products is focused on the idea of reflexology, providing a massaging, grooved texture on the bottom. I found the tights to be of excellent quality, particularly for the affordable price point, and any extra comfort provided to make wearing three inch heels more comfortable is alright in my book! The Yoga Socks were a great idea, since now I don’t have to run in my bare feet, on my tippy toes from the locker room to the yoga studio. All in all, feet are so important to one’s overall well-being, so why not show them a little extra love? I think you’ll be impressed too; check them out at Kushyfoot.com or at your local mega-pharmacy.
May 4, 2010