Banana Republic came up with a super idea: let’s have the media pick out a BR dress, any BR dress, and to shop the store all to THEMSELVES. Then, they wear said dress(es) to a New Year’s Eve advanced screening. Count me in!at 830am, save for a few employees, I was the sole person in the beautiful Banana Republic location, and after a few tries (see above), I landed on my pick, the BR Monogram Silk Pleated Dress in black, $138 (was $198).
The party before the screening was a party-favored affair, with New Year’s beads, tiaras, noisemakers, and more. I don’t want to give away too many New Year’s Eve spoilers, but even MORE stars are in the film than anticipated (Yeardley Smith, Alyssa Milano, Cary Elwes). My favorites of the film? Seth Meyers and SJP, naturally! Have a great weekend, and here’s to kicking off the holiday season with feel-good movies and fab party dresses!
–Julia DiNardo