Emergencies happen, situations that you weren’t anticipating occur. For those unexpected moments, My Tagalongs will be there to get you through them, without batting an eye. What exactly do I mean? Think disposable underwear — I know it may sound bazaar, but My Tagalongs has created a mini pack of two pairs for only $3 that can fit so easily into your handbag. Consider this situation: your traveling for work or vacation, and your checked luggage is lost — thank goodness you’ve got a back up plan already in your purse (now you just need to Febreze your clothes!). I’m really into cool, practical little items that make me think “I wish I invented that!” and My Tagalongs has a few of those — check out my favorite items from the brand below:
Tampon Tote, $7.50
Onetime Anytime Towelettes, $11
Purse Hook-er, $14
Purse-Onifier, $18
[…] tried! Coquette loves to accessorize her spring outfits with the latest in beaded chunky bracelets. Disposable underwear?!?! Fashion Pulse Daily has got the scoop (and you’re going to like it). The Jet Set Girls […]
I’m not too sure I get the logic behind disposable underwear – other than creating unnecessary waste. I can just as easily sneak in a couple of actual, nice, lacy underwear in a nice pouch in my purse – for those ’emergencies’.
The towelettes, on the other hand, make sense – because there is no reasonably convenient, non-disposable option there.
[…] Disposable underwear?!?! Fashion Pulse Daily has got the scoop (and you’re going to like it). Topics: Wired […]
[…] tried! Coquette loves to accessorize her spring outfits with the latest in beaded chunky bracelets. Disposable underwear?!?! Fashion Pulse Daily has got the scoop (and your going to like it). The Jet Set Girls visited […]