Hanky Panky Basket Giveaway! | Fashion Pulse Daily


  1. Nina says

    I’m following you on twitter @nina0205. Weirdest gift would be underwear given to me by my grandparents. LOL

  2. Emily says

    I’m following you on twitter at @placebetween. Weirdest holiday gift was a kitchen timer.

  3. Sarah R says

    I subscribe to your daily newsletter. Don’t have a twitter acct:( My weirdest gift would have to be a pair of scissors!! Thanks

  4. Ashley says

    I’m following on twitter @ashley2h2o and I signed up for the newsletter. The weirdest gift I ever received was a calendar of shoes. My boyfriend told his mom I liked shoes when she was asking about Christmas gifts. But instead of getting me shoes, she got me a calendar with pictures full of shoes. I don’t like them THAT much…

  5. susan smoaks says

    the weirdest gift i ever got was a coupon for a pedicure

  6. Stacy says

    Following you on Twitter @atlactor. Weirdest Christmas gift I received – 4th of July candles.

  7. Rebecca says

    I subscribe to your newsletter! Weirdest Gift: A tool that cuts your seatbelt & busts the windshield of your car if you’re in an accident!

  8. Hey I’m following you on twitter – my handle: @styleezta

    weirdest gift: a cheese slicer (I’m lactose intolerant~)

  9. Caroline says

    I subscribe to your newsletter. The weirdest holiday gift I ever received was a koala bear keychain in a college tshirt.

  10. MJ says

    Weirdest gift- my kid brothers used to give me those little Hot Wheels cars when I was a teenager.

    @butterflyrouge, subscriber

  11. Mamavalveeta03 says

    I am a newsletter subscriber via email.
    The weirdest gift I ever got was one year when we exchanged names and my brother had my name. He wondered what I wanted, so I said, “Wooden Apples” for my antique bread bowl. When I opened my gift Christmas morning, the box contained “WOOD AND APPLES”!!!

  12. Mamavalveeta03 says

    I am a newsletter subscriber via email.
    The weirdest gift I ever got was one year when we exchanged names and my brother had my name. He wondered what I wanted, so I said, “Wooden Apples” for my antique bread bowl. When I opened my gift Christmas morning, the box contained “WOOD AND APPLES”!!!
    valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com

  13. Kimberly says

    I already follow @fashionpulse on Twitter
    Weirdest holiday gift I received was an Elvis Tapestry from my husband the first year we were married.

  14. zoe lee says

    The weirdest gift?? Hmm i guess sock/slippers, really ugly ones that i would never wear in a million years. I am a subscriber and twitter follower

    zoe hunter lee


  15. jennifer b says

    I subscribe to email! and one year I got a tortilla maker, um I don’t really eat them and I don’t cook much lol so random

  16. Alissa says

    I’m an email subscriber. The strangest gift I received was a dancing snowman. captainliss40@gmail.com

  17. Lila says

    What a treat of a giveaway..I love it!! 🙂

    I’m a sucriber to Fashion Pulse Daily Newsletter and follow you on twitter (@lilahahahan). The weirdest I recieved was through a White Elephant gift exhange — a bottle of Clorox toilet bowl cleaner and a toilet bowl scrubber brush.

  18. Kim L. says

    Following on twitter @sparkily

    I recieved a veggie peeler and toothpicks from my hubby for our first christmas when we were dating… partially a joke but still!! hahaha

    kimberly.long at gmail dot com

  19. Rachael says

    I follow on Twitter! @styleeveryday

    The weirdest gift I ever received was actually one year when my uncle gave me underwear. Awkward, much?

  20. hofken says

    I follow @fashionpulse on Twitter @hofken. The weirdest holiday gift I ever received was a little girl’s sequined purse with my initial on it. I’m 51! The giver said she thought of me when she saw it (?!)


  21. Julie L. says

    I am subscribed to your newsletter and I follow you on twitter @jules792000. The weirdest gift I ever received was a PomPom animal craft kit. (Those fuzzy balls that you glue together to make “animals….) It was from my brother, and I still do not know WHY he gave that to me!

  22. Tracey Byram says

    One year I got a plunger as a gift.

  23. ML says

    I’m following you @malhope. My weirdest holiday gift was adult feetie pajamas.

  24. Following @fashionpulse on Twitter {@TheLuckyLadybug} — The weirdest holiday gift I ever received was a Schnauzer Lives Here window sign 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!

  25. Brenda says

    I just now signed up for your newsletter.I am guessing that the colors in the basket are pink and green.The strangest thing i ever recieved as a gift was a hula hoop which i never was good at useing!

  26. Samantha Peterson says

    I follow you on twitter – @sspete2. My weirdest gift was a CD by a priest with no hands that played guitar. Thanks, Grandma!

  27. Sharon Rooney says

    Newsletter subscriber and following on Twitter as @jerseygirl137

    Weirdest holiday gift was a singing/dancing cactus.

  28. Jean says

    i subscribed to your newsletter and follow you on twitter (@jeanerr)
    the weirdest gift I’ve ever received was a lantern made out of pieces of scrap metal.

  29. Awesome giveaway! The weirdest present I received was XL women’s under wear from my Grandma. I was nine… I subscribe to the FPD newsletter.

  30. Julia D says

    WAH! Loving this giveaway 🙂
    The weirdest give I ever received was a raggedy anne doll…for my high school graduation. (also, for the same occasion, i received a book called, “The Relationship Between Sex and God”.)

  31. kelsey says

    i’m following you! @kelseym88
    weirdest gift ever: bottle of shampoo (garnier)

  32. natalie says

    Newsletter. The weirdest gift is the annual ugly sweater trade- there is an old 30 year old sweater that smells of mothballs. It gets passed around every year!

  33. Luna says

    I’m following you on twitter (@lunatiquex). One year a friend gave me a date for a xmas present. As in, she set me up with a guy… and he was my present? hm.

  34. maddie says

    i subscribed (admin can see my email address). weirdest christmas gift? a rape whistle. from my mother.

  35. PurpleLarkspur says

    I just signed up via twitter (@purplelarkspur). The weirdest gift I have every gotten was a bathrobe from a co-worker. So vary strange. I have always assumed that it was a re-gift….

  36. Samantha says

    I subscribe to the newsletter! The weirdest gift I ever received was a ceramic ballerina.

  37. Laura says

    Hey I’m following you on twitter – my handle: @laurapetro

    My weirdest holiday gift… my boyfriend at the time gave me a hippopotamus chia pet. Needless to say, we are no longer dating, haha.

  38. Jenny says

    I subscribed to your newsletter. The weirdest gift I ever received was a statue of the Virgin Mary from my super religious grandma. ..Thanks grandma.. -_-

  39. Valerie C. says

    I’m a subscriber (vac924 at gmail dot com) and Twitter follower @dragonfly777. Probably the weirdest gift was a wrench set from my husband…who just “happened” to need one!! Unbelievable…lol

  40. I follow on twitter – @fashfrugality

  41. I jumped the gun and didn’t fully read directions… I’m sorry! 🙂

    OK, I follow on twitter: @fashfrugality
    And the weirdest gift I have received? Hmm. I have honestly never received too bad of a gift. I guess the weirdest gift I have gotten is some ornaments that are totally not my style.

  42. Kelsee says

    I follow you on Twitter (@kelsee422)!!
    The weirdest gift I ever received was an antique record player. And I had no records to play on it. It just sits in my parents living room.

  43. Kara says

    I follow you on Twitter (@karaivy)

    The weirdest gift I ever received was a regifted picture frame that I gave them (awkward!)

  44. Caitlyn says

    I follow you on twitter (@caitlyndelaney)
    The weirdest gift I ever received were reindeer boxers that were a size XL and I’m a size S and I’m also a girl…

  45. Angela K says

    I follow you on Twitter @BountyHunter338

    My weirdest holiday gift? A Santa gnome, from good old mom & dad. It’s hideous.

  46. Kelsey says

    Follow you on Twitter and recieve your newsletter 🙂
    I have to say a new York giants watch. It was pink and had rhinestones all over the whole thing. I love the new York giants but it totally made me laugh 🙂

  47. Amy says

    I follow you on twitter (@amyshopstheweb) .

    This year, I got a toilet plunger in the white elephant at work. Weird… luckily, it was new.

  48. Carrie Kane says

    Hi! Twitter follower @carrie_kane

  49. Anna R says

    Weirdest gift I ever received was toe nail clippers. So strange. I’m also following you on Twitter – @annarice23. Thanks!

  50. Hey I’m following you on twitter (I’m @ashleyacheung). The weariest holiday gift I received was a measuring cup and teaspoons!

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