Celebrity style, wearing read, and boho-inspired sandals round out the Week in Chic links today:
The Fashionable Housewife – Did you know that lip gloss, like food, has an expiration date? Read more about it.
Factio Magazine finds that platinum jewelry is “the new standard” to celebs like Amy Adams!
Fashion Pulse Daily is marveling over the creative hairstyles seen on the Paris runways.
Wondering what to wear? When in doubt, wear red advises Fashiontribes.
Quinta Trends goes to shopping to Buenos Aires
Shoes are always making statements and it’s no different for this season with boho-inspired sandals.
Its time to chime in! The Annual Shopping Survey 2009 by The Budget Fashionista wants to hear from all of you, dear readers, by Thursday, March 19th.
The Fashionable Bambino wants you to Feel Positive From The Inside Out With FIT2BMOM
The Fashionable Gal found some Fashionable Plus-Size Clothes for Spring