Summer is the time for travel and whether you’re renting a yacht in Ibiza, backpacking through Budapest, or venturing on a road trip with the entire family to Aunt Bertha’s farm in Minnesota, you need to travel smart. But I’m not going to remind you to pack your passport and warn you of the 100ml carry-on liquid restriction; instead I am going to unveil the secrets of traveling fashionably.
- Don’t pack three suitcases and a duffel bagĀ for a week long vacation. Even if you were Victoria Beckham and Anna Wintour’s spawn fashion baby you could not squeeze that many wardrobe changes into a day, so travel light. Bring only what you know you will wear and pack it into a stylish suitcase like this Croc Cabin Suitcase by Jasper Conran at Tripp, $107.63. Your luggage will be your traveling home while on vacation so shop for one that matches your personality. Find a suitcase that you really like such as this J.Crew Globe-Trotter Suitcase because for the amount of time you’ll be lugging it around in the airport and train station, you better love it!