Everything for me these days is about extreme efficiency, so the more I can do in the shortest amount of time is what reigns supreme. I like to give the impression, however, that I have put a decent amount of time into the way I look, dress, and smell, even though in reality I have none to spare. Luckily for me, I’ve brought four great products into the ring that have kept me smelling lovely the past few weeks with very little effort on my part. Enjoy my list, and I hope you find one that you love too!

Let’s start with the feet: I play tennis 1-2 times per week, and will be the first to tell you that my tennis shoes stink! If I’m really being honest about it, they could use some help so that anyone who is within a 10 foot radius of me taking them off doesn’t pass out. The ARM&HAMMER Shoe Refresher Spray ($5.99) gets rid of odor on contact and has sweat activated Fresh Guard Technology to continue to refresh shoes even after I’ve put my feet back into them. YAY!